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Nutrition Resources: Scholarly Articles

Nutrition Resources and Web Sites for Austin Community College Students

What does scholarly article mean?

Magazines and Journals (scholarly journals) have different:

  • Types of authors
  • Audience
  • Content,  appearance, and credibility
  • Length
Scholarly or peer-reviewed articles must go through a review process by experts in that particular academic field before it is published.  This is done so that the reviewers can make sure that the author has made valid arguments and has used and cited appropriate research in the field to support the information in the article.
See our guide page about Magazines vs Journals See the example results below showing how to limit to Scholarly articles.

Example of Limiting to Scholarly Articles

Our search:  "Find scholarly articles about the Ebola epidemic."  using the  all-in-one search box on the library home page.

Here is a screenshot of the results.  Note the number of results for our search - 44,371.  See the "Limiters" options on the right sidebar.


Results After Limiting to Scholarly Articles

After clicking Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals, you will see that there are many fewer results but all of them are scholarly articles.

Ebola Epidemic limited to scholarly

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