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TLA Teaching to the Brain
Module 1: How Students Learn
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TLA Teaching to the Brain: Module 1: How Students Learn
Austin Community College Teaching and Learning Academy Course Resources
Course Description
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Module 1: How Students Learn
Module 2: Learning and Memory
Module 3:The Role of Metacognition
Module 4: Student Mindset and Learning
Course Resources
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Brain-based Learning
Learning and Memory
How Students Learn
Faculty Module Developer
Richard Griffiths
Adjunct Professor
Want to Learn More about Brain-based Learning?
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (2017). The future of undergraduate education. The Future of America.
APA. (2019). Getting a good night’s sleep: how psychologists help with insomnia. APA Psychology Help Center.
ARCCNetwork. (2024). Portraits of Resilience Southern California Community College Students Navigating Challenges Amid the Pandemic.
Beals R, Zimny S, Lyons F and Bobbitt O (2021) Activating Social Capital: How Peer and Socio-Emotional Mentoring Facilitate Resilience and Success for Community College Students. Front. Educ. 6:667869. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.667869
Burrows, T. L., Whatnall, M. C., Patterson, A. J., & Hutchesson, M. J. (2017). Associations between dietary intake and academic achievement in college students: A systematic review. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 5(4), 60. doi:10.3390/healthcare5040060.
Crane, M. (2024). The College Student’s Guide to Building Emotional Resilience. Mental
Eisenberg, D., Goldrick-Rab, S., Lipson, S.K., and Broton, K. (2016). Too distressed to learn? Mental health among community college students. Wisconsin Hope Lab.
Flory, E.S. 2019. Student stress surges. Community College Daily.
Harvard Medical School Sleep Division. (2007). Sleep, learning and memory. Healthy Sleep.
Hunt, C. 2016. Modeling resilience: Meet Charles Hunt, the "UNBREAKABLE" TEDxCharlotte speaker. Groove Management blog.
Keeping Stress from Evolving into Distress - Vanderbilt University Center of Teaching
Miller, E.K., Erickson, C.A., and Desimone, R. (1996). Neural mechanisms of visual working memory in prefrontal cortex of the macque. Journal of Neuroscience 16(16): 5154-5167.
Postsecondary Value Commission. (2021). Equitable value : Promoting economic mobility and social justice through postsecondary education.
Raichlin, R. A., and Alexander, G. E. (2020). Why your brain needs exercise: The evolutionary history of humans explains why physical activity is important for brain health. Scientific American.
UT Department of Neuroscience. (2024). Brain Storms. YouTube.
Whissemore, T. 2021. Positive marks from students, but stress. Community College Daily.
Tips for resilience
Course Description
Module 2: Learning and Memory >>
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