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TLA Teaching to the Brain
Module 3:The Role of Metacognition
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TLA Teaching to the Brain: Module 3:The Role of Metacognition
Austin Community College Teaching and Learning Academy Course Resources
Course Description
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Module 1: How Students Learn
Module 2: Learning and Memory
Module 3:The Role of Metacognition
Module 4: Student Mindset and Learning
Course Resources
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Brain-based Learning
Learning and Memory
Faculty Module Developer
Tobin Quereau
Adjunct Professor
Student Development
Todd Zakrajsek TEDxUNC
Take a Deeper Dive Into Metacognition
Berrett, D. (2014, April 11). Students Can Transfer Knowledge if Taught How. Chronicle of Higher Education, pp. A3–A4.
Berrett, D. (2017, October 27). Catherine Shoulders Shows How an Expert’s Opinion Unfolds. Chronicle of Higher Education, 64(9), 1.
Biemiller, L. (2017, October 27). John Zubizarreta Gets Students Excited About Literature. Chronicle of Higher Education, p. 1.
Center for Teaching: Vanderbilt University: Metacognition
Field, K. (2017, October 27). Stan Yoshinobu Spreads the Word About Inquiry-Based Math. Chronicle of Higher Education, 64(9), 1.
Koriat, A. (2018). Agency attributions of mental effort during self-regulated learning. Memory and Cognition 46(3), 370-383.
Mangan, K. (2017, October 27). Amardeep Kahlon Tailors Courses to Students’ Learning Styles. Chronicle of Higher Education, 64(9), 1.
McMurtrie, B. (2017, October 27). Ariel Anbar Designs Online Science Labs With Video-Game Appeal. Chronicle of Higher Education, 64(9), 1.
Moore, C.S. (2014). Teaching students how to fish: The next step for learning-centered teaching. The Scholarly Teacher blog.
Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. (2019). Encouraging metacognition in the classroom. Yale University.
Professors Share: The Moment That Changed the Way I Teach. (2018, December 14). Chronicle of Higher Education, p. 1.
Module 2: Learning and Memory
Module 4: Student Mindset and Learning >>
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