The Academy of Marketing Science is devoted exclusively to the Marketing professorate. They are also the publisher of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
The American Academy of Advertising (AAA) is an organization of advertising scholars and professionals with an interest in advertising and advertising education. They are also the publisher of the Journal of Advertising.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) is the leading academic association and publisher of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research and other journals.
An organization comprised of academic researchers in the field of consumer behavior. Hope is to advance consumer research and facilitate the exchange of scholarly information among members of academia, industry, and government worldwide.
BMA has been the pre-eminent service organization for professionals in this industry for over 80 years. BMA is dedicated to serving the professional, educational and career development needs of business-to-business marketers.
this site offers a digital collection of thousands of television marketing commercials from the 50s through the 80s. Provided by Duke University Libraries.
USADATA offers demographic data for any U.S. geographic area (i.e. any state, city, county, zip code). Below are free top line demographic profiles for each of the top 64 U.S. markets.