Absolute Essentials of Creative Thinking and Problem Solving by Tony Proctor
This concise textbook provides a comprehensive and clear overview of the theory and practice of creative problem solving from a management perspective. The book works step by step through the creative thinking process. Beginning with theoretical frameworks, it considers ways of thinking, defining problems and structuring responses to them, techniques for generating ideas, evaluating and defining them, and finally how technology can be used within the creative problem-solving process. Pedagogical features to aid learning include objectives at the start of each chapter, further reading suggestions and practical examples. Divided into ten short chapters to suit content delivery, this textbook is designed as either core or recommended reading for advanced undergraduate, postgraduate, MBA and Executive Education students studying Creativity and Innovation, Management and Leadership and Management Skills.
Call Number: (Ebook) HD30.29 .P7626 2021
ISBN: 9781000397123
Publication Date: 2021-04-01
● Creative Thinking: Synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways to develop innovative concepts utilizing digital media.
Critical Thinking by Jonathan Haber
How the concept of critical thinking emerged, how it has been defined, and how critical thinking skills can be taught. Critical thinking is regularly cited as an essential twenty-first century skill, the key to success in school and work. Given our propensity to believe fake news, draw incorrect conclusions, and make decisions based on emotion rather than reason, it might even be said that critical thinking is vital to the survival of a democratic society. But what, exactly, is critical thinking? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Jonathan Haber explains how the concept of critical thinking emerged, how it has been defined, and how critical thinking skills can be taught and assessed. Haber describes the term's origins in such disciplines as philosophy, psychology, and science. He examines the components of critical thinking, including structured thinking, language skills, background knowledge, and information literacy, along with such necessary intellectual traits as intellectual humility, empathy, and open-mindedness. He discusses how research has defined critical thinking, how elements of critical thinking have been taught for centuries, and how educators can teach critical thinking skills now. Haber argues that the most important critical thinking issue today is that not enough people are doing enough of it. Fortunately, critical thinking can be taught, practiced, and evaluated. This book offers a guide for teachers, students, and aspiring critical thinkers everywhere, including advice for educational leaders and policy makers on how to make the teaching and learning of critical thinking an educational priority and practical reality.
Call Number: (Ebook) LB1590.3 .H327 2020
ISBN: 9780262357340
Publication Date: 2020-03-13
● Critical Thinking: Explore issues, ideas, artifacts, or events in depth before formulating a conclusion utilizing digital media.
Problem-Solving by Howard Eisner
Problem-solving and better thinking skills are among the top skills that employers are looking for. This book presents various methods of problem-solving that can be adapted to any field. It focuses on a set of a dozen new approaches with an ending result to finding better solutions to problems that you may have previously found difficult. The book discusses problem-solving based upon new thinking skills and presents the relationship between problem-solving and creativity. A connection between problem-solving and re-engineering is presented as the book explores the ability to tackle new and difficult problems in all aspects of life. It points you in the direction of how to easily find better solutions to problems that previously were found to be difficult. Target audience is general engineers, systems engineers, scientists, technologists, mathematicians, and lawyers.
Call Number: (Ebook)
ISBN: 9780367749811
Publication Date: 2021-05-01
● Problem Solving: Design, evaluate, and implement a strategy to achieve the desired goal utilizing digital media.
Business Writing for Innovators and Change-Makers by Dawn Henwood
Business Writing for Innovators and Change-Makers will empower you to build your confidence as a communicator, strengthen your brand, and increase your impact with your customers and clients. Business Writing for Innovators and Change-Makers is a writing guidebook with street-smarts. It recognizes the unique communication challenges entrepreneurs face and offers clear action steps for tackling them. As an entrepreneur with a pioneering product or service to offer the world, you can't rely on cookie-cutter communication templates to get your meaning across. You need a set of writing strategies that are quick to implement and easy to adapt to a wide variety of communication situations, from emails to pitch decks. Dawn Henwood provides a simple, flexible approach to writing that will open your eyes to the subtle ways written communication can engage and motivate your target audience. Whether you are just starting your business or scaling up to the next level of success, you'll find Dawn's straightforward teaching just the help you need to make your message heard. Business Writing for Innovators and Change-Makers will empower you to build your confidence as a communicator, strengthen your brand, and increase your impact with your customers and clients.
Call Number: (Ebook) HF5718.3 .H46 2020
ISBN: 9781951527792
Publication Date: 2020-07-24
● Written Communication: Develop and express ideas using digital media by combining different writing technologies, and mixing texts, data, and images.