Try our study guide Finding Periodical Articles.
There are two main types of periodical articles: journals (advanced, scholarly) and magazines (less technical).
ACC gets the great majority of its periodicals through online collections, such as those below.
Academic Search Complete - Useful for almost any topic. Over 5000 periodicals with the full-text of the articles are included. This will have a mix of journals and magazines.
Business Source Complete - Here you will find full-text articles on the business side of welding and art metals.
MasterFILE Premier - This e-resource contains full text for periodicals covering various subject areas as well as many professions/trade publications. You'll also find full text for nearly 500 reference books, and an Image Collection.
Science & Technology Collection - This e-resource contains full text for periodicals covering various subject areas as well as many professions/trade publications. You'll also find full text for nearly 500 reference books, and an Image Collection.
See a complete list of ACC Library electronic resources by Subject or by Title
Print magazines at the Riverside Library to support welding, art metals, metalsmithing include:
Anvil's Ring
Hammer's Blow
Related titles in which you will find metals and metal sculpture information include:
American Craft
Architectural Digest
Fine Homebuilding