Several ACC core classes have required course-integrated Library assignments. ACC librarians are available to teach Information Literacy sessions for ACC dual credit and ECHS classes at your high school! This page includes information that may be helpful to have access to when you are speaking with ACC instructors at your school about what the ACC library can do to help their classes.
Also, we know high school librarians are very busy, but we would love to work together with you on information literacy in our dual credit classes on your campus! This could take the form of you attending one of our IL sessions to observe and/or contribute, sharing of IL teaching resources or plans, or a joint planning and presenting of an IL session for a dual credit class.
Librarians can:
Library instruction can take a variety of forms, depending on a class's learning needs.
For most students academic research is unfamiliar and often overwhelming. Interactive library sessions offer guidance and hands-on experience to students as they move through the various stages of their research. While as their instructor you may be able to teach research information yourself, bringing in an expert librarian demonstrates the importance of the topic to the students. Schedule one or multiple sessions for a class.
Librarians can help teach your students how to:
To request a library instruction presentation by a faculty librarian, instructors teaching ACC classes should fill out the form linked below that matches your classroom location. A librarian will contact you to finalize details and arrangements.
Please submit the form at least 2 weeks before the planned class date.
Students have difficulty evaluating the information they find and many have never used college library resources.
Most students new to college do not know that the largest part of their college library collection is available online 24/7.
Best practices for your syllabus: