Why provide a link?
What is a persistent link and how does it work?
If you are working from our online subscription databases, it does not work to copy the URL from the URL bar at the top of the page.
You can provide your students a persistent, stable link to the full text of a specific article in the ACC library databases
It's easy to create this link yourself. However, each database is a little bit different...
(Once you pull up the individual item info, you can also click on "cite". Depending on which citation style you choose, you may see the persistent URL at the end of the citation.)
Example from Austin Statesman online:
To create a persistent URL in JSTOR, add the ezproxy prefix in front of JSTOR's stable URL by following these steps:
Here’s an example of a stable URL in JSTOR:
in front of the given stable URL
Am I allowed to show films from the ACC Library's streaming media collection for public events associated with ACC?
Yes! Both Films on Demand and Kanopy streaming media databases are licensed for performance rights for events at ACC.
These instructions work for:
If you are logged in or on-campus and using any one of the many databases provided by either of these two vendors, you will be provided with a persistent URL by following these steps:
Perform a search for the article or book chapter that you need
From your search results, click on the Title
1. Look up your film- search by keyword or subject
2. Click on the film’s title to get the full display
3. Scroll down near the bottom of the page to find the “Segment URL”
4. Use this link to return to the film segment you want
How do I successfully open a Films On Demand movie using a link from PowerPoint?
Unfortunately, there is a known compatibility issue with Microsoft PowerPoint and Films on Demand. Films on Demand Title URL links will result in login pages when accessed from within PowerPoint UNLESS Films on Demand is opened independently within a browser first.
NOTE: This compatibility issue does not exist with Google Presentation and other types of presentation software.
The Library has a work-around for this issue!
Before clicking a Films On Demand link from within PowerPoint, do this first...
1. Go to the library website and click on A-Z List of Databases. Note: Make sure to open the library website in the computer’s default browser. For example, if the computer default is set to Firefox, you should use the Firefox browser. In Windows 7, you can find and set default programs from the Windows main menu.
2. Choose ‘F’.
3. Open Films on Demand.
NOTE: IF you are off campus, at this point, you will need to use your ACCeID and your password to login; but if you are ON campus, that login will not be necessary
4. Now, leave your browser and open your PPT presentation.
5. Your links to Films On Demand videos/film segments within PowerPoint should work properly.