Library Services identified over 45 ACC faculty who are supporting student success by working toward removing the barrier of high cost course materials. These individuals are teaching with Open Educational Resources, free, or other low cost course materials. Below is a growing list of the ACC Textbook Heroes (more photos and profiles coming soon)!
Are you a textbook hero? Is someone in your department a textbook hero? Tell us more here!
Course: ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing
OER or Low Cost Resource: Collection of resources including Technical Writing by David McMurrey, Technical Writing via Lumen, ACC Library resources, and other freely available material
Course: EDUC 1300 Effective Learning: Strategies for College Success
OER or Low Cost Resource: Effective Learning Strategies
Course(s): GOVT 2305 United States Government and GOVT 2306 Texas State & Local Government
OER or Low Cost Resource: American Government and Texas Government by Austin Community College via OER Commons
BIOL 1406 Cellular & Molecular Biology
BIOL 1408 Biology for Non Science Majors I
BIOL 2420 Microbiology for the Health Sciences
OER or Low Cost Resource:
Course(s): ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302
OER or Low Cost Resource: Collection of digital resources freely available, in the public domain or with a Creative Commons License
Course: ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology
OER or Low Cost Resource: Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology
Course: CHEM 1305 Introduction Chemistry I (Lecture)
OER or Low Cost Resource: Chemistry - OpenStax and Chemistry - Khan Academy
Course: ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology
OER or Low Cost Resource: Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology
Course: SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
OER or Low Cost Resource: Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies
This guide is adapted from: Getting Started with OER by Jillian Maynard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.