To see an abstract for each article, place your mouse over the title and it will pop up.
Condon, M., & Wichowsky, A. (2018). Developing Citizen-Scientists: Effects of an Inquiry-Based Science Curriculum on STEM and Civic Engagement. Elementary School Journal, 119(2), 196–222.
Jordaan, M., & Mennega, N. (2019). Engineering Graduate Attributes: Skills Gained during a Service-Learning Module. International Journal of Adult, Community & Professional Learning, 26(1), 21–34.
Lee, A. (2012). Learners as Teachers: Student and Community Outcomes of Service-learning in an Undergraduate Chemistry Course. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal, 6(2), 1–12.
TUCKER, K. P., & MORAN, C. E. (2018). More Than Just Pulling Weeds: A Case Study of Engaging Upper-Division Conservation Biology Students in Service-Learning. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (ELTHE): A Journal for Engaged Educators, 2(1), 47–56.
Farinde, A. A., Tempest, B., & Merriweather, L. (2014). Service Learning: A Bridge to Engineering for Underrepresented Minorities. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 9, 475–491.
Connor, B. (2008). Service-Learning and Math Anxiety: An Effective Pedagogy. International Journal of Learning, 15(3), 305–311.
Collins, M. A., Totino, J., Hartry, A., Romero, V. F., Pedroso, R., & Nava, R. (2020). Service-Learning as a Lever to Support STEM Engagement for Underrepresented Youth. Journal of Experiential Education, 43(1), 55–70.
Packer, A. (2009). Service Learning in a Non-Majors Biology Course Promotes Changes in Students’ Attitudes and Values about the Environment. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 3(1).
Guerra, D. V. (2005). Service-Learning in Physics: The Consultant Model. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 10(3), 143–151.
Scherrer, C. R., & Sharpeq, J. A. (2020). Service Learning Versus Traditional Project-Based Learning: A Comparison Study in a First Year Industrial and Systems Engineering Course. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 15(1), 18–32.