Reference sources are great places to begin research, especially if you are not very familiar with a topic. For example, an encyclopedia article can in a page or two show you the most important facts, events, people, statistics. This will help you understand more complex information you will use later.
Online reference books and databases from the library will lead to more reliable information than you usually get from a web search. A good place to start is:
Gale eBooks - A collection of over 90 specialized encyclopedias. You can search all the collection to find general background information, definitions of terms, and more.
Credo Reference - Online collection of general and subject-specific reference works on all major topic areas.
Hobbies and Crafts Source - Offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas. Information for small business opportunities and sustainable/green business practices. Content includes full text magazines and books, videos, hobby profiles and recipes. Information on cake decorating, cooking, baking and winemaking plus all other hobbies and crafts.
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology - A comprehensive encyclopedia that focuses on industrial processes and other topics on chemical technology. An excellent source for information on food chemistry including properties, manufacturing and uses of chemical substances.
Small Business Source - Click here for how to use. This database offers a wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans, plans that lead to successful funding. It offers state-specific resources with demographic data and other local information, included are business videos that provide critical information for business owners including interviews, "lessons learned" features, lectures and "how to" videos to help foster success in all aspects of managing a business.
Content/Features Include (Coverage List):
Nearly 400 full-text periodicals and Over 450 full-text reference books
Hundreds of business videos and State-specific resources
Business Basics and Start-up Kit & Business Plans
General Business Areas
Industry Info
Oxford Reference Online - A collection of over 100 specialized dictionaries, encyclopedias and other references arranged by broad subject. Again, this is a good place to find general background information, definitions and more.
Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia - A comprehensive general scientific reference.
To see a complete list of the library's electronic resources, click here.