College may be the first time you had to use a textbook wthout help from your teacher.
1. Learn how your textbook is organized:
2. Look at specific parts of the book before you read your assignment:
3. Outline the chapter:
4. Do not skip tables and figures, or the colorful boxes. All of these things have a purpose and help convey crucial information.
5. Make use of the final section of each chapter. There is usually a summary with key terms that provides an overview of what has been covered.
6. If your professor has a course Blackboard page, look for PowerPoint slides that may highlight key concepts. They are NOT a substitute for reading and studying and taking notes on the details of each chapter, but they can be a good starting point.
7. Do not sit down and try to read the entire chapter at once just so that you can say you have. Study the chapter in manageable pieces and use all the available learning tools - that will be time well spent.