Corequisites Program Highlight
LaGuardia Community College responded to a long-standing crisis in the math remediation approach to bring transformative change to scale via the math co-requisite project.
Institution: LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York.
Authors: Abderrazak Belkharraz Idrissi, Milena Cuellar, and Jeanne Funk.
Taken from the Start Strong to Finish Report: Co-Requisite Mathematics Models and Gateway Completion.
"From Fall 2016 to Spring 2018, an average of 74% of students initially placed in Elementary Algebra, who chose the co-requisite path, completed their developmental math requirement and acquired college level credit in half the time compared to only 32% of students enrolled in the traditional path." (Idrissi, A.,Cuellar, M., &Funk, J., 2018).
"These positive effects are also seen when looking at different segments of the population, positively impacting students in the 18-24 age bracket with particularly high positive outcomes on students of non-traditional age. Traditionally marginalized groups like Hispanic and Black students are positively impacted with equivalent gains for all other racial/ethnic groups.
Students who received a Pell grant at any point during their time at LaGuardia tend to perform equally or better in the co-requisite courses compared to the overall success rates of the co-requisite courses."
(Idrissi, A.,Cuellar, M., &Funk, J., 2018).
Idrissi, A., Cuellar, M., & Funk, J. (2018). Co-requisite mathematics models and gateway completion: A systematic approach to leading change at scale (Steps to Success series). Denver, CO: Strong Start to Finish, Education Commission of the States.
April 2020 A New Approach to Mathematics: Increased Success Rates for ALL Students, Dr. Alycia Marshall, Dr. Ricardo Moena, Maxine T. Roberts, Start Strong to Finish
October 2019. Dismantling Barriers--Opening Math Pathways that Empower Our Students.
September 2019 Math Placement Trends and Innovations That Increase Equitable Access and Success – A Practical Guide.
April 2019 Developing Effective Co-requisite Course Designs and Support.
April 2018. Pre-Requisite to Co-Requisite Statistics Webinar. Michigan Center for Student Success